Courtney Mankowski
Director | Enterprise for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge
Courtney Mankowski is the Director of Research Infrastructure & Strategic Initiatives for the Enterprise for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge (ERIK) at the Ohio State University. In this role, Courtney advises and enables the university to translate its vision for research growth and impact into actionable plans supported by quality infrastructure. She directs infrastructure project planning, utilization strategies, capital review/approval, finances, and developed and led activation efforts (including serving as owner representative) associated with a new portfolio of ERIK buildings, including the Pelotonia Research Center ($238M project; 305,000sf) and Energy Advancement and Innovation Center ($49M project, 60,000sf). Courtney continues to lead daily operations in these spaces, as well as ERIK’s construction efforts within OSU’s innovation district, Carmenton. She began her research career as an undergraduate at Vanderbilt University, then a graduate research assistant at OSU, where she has since developed significant relationships and held various positions, including as a regulatory and strategic subject matter expert in the areas of clinical trial implementation, human gene transfer research, controlled substances research, conflict of interest, research misconduct, and research data policy. Courtney possesses more than twenty years experience in research, academic research administration, and compliance, along with an unsurpassed understanding of the university’s governance, mission, vision, and values.