Ian Burkhart
President | North American Spinal Cord Injury Consortium

In 2010, Ian Burkhart became a C5 tetraplegic due to a diving accident. He is the President of the North American Spinal Cord Injury Consortium and his foundation, the Ian Burkhart Foundation, which raises funds to support the rehabilitation and transitionary processes for individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI). He also consults for medical device manufacturers to ensure relevant solutions. Additionally, Ian collaborated with Unite2Fight Paralysis to secure $6 million in funding for SCI-centered research in Ohio. Empowered by his experience, Ian is a steadfast advocate for those with spinal cord injuries. He founded the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Pioneers Coalition, an advocacy group joining together those who have volunteered for brain-computer interface trials to ethically guide patients, clinicians, and commercial entities engaging with BCI research studies.